To reinstate it, the bytes in the following offsets should be altered in order to load it and disable the regular title screen's animation: It is programmed at the beginning of bank 43 (address 0x10C000) and is complete with tilesets, palettes and loading functions. Part of the title is constituted by sprites, which partially cover the logo. There is an unused title screen in the data that does not reboot the game after the music ends, unlike the final title screen. The game is notable for being the first core Pokémon RPG to include a female protagonist and to experiment with online functionality that would be readded in future generations (one example being the predecessor to the GTS). Pokémon Crystal is the update to Pokémon Gold and Silver with a focus on Suicune and mobile phone stuff, the latter of which is exclusive to the Japanese version. This game has hidden development-related text.
Also known as: Pokémon Version Cristal (FR), Pokémon Kristall-Edition (DE), Pokémon Edición Cristal (ES), Pokémon Versione Cristallo (IT), Pokémon Versão Crystal (BR), Pocket Monsters Crystal Version (JP)